Monday, 22 June 2020 07:17


St. Dominic College of Asia will be holding Distance Learning mode through the Home-Based Learning (HBL) program, for Academic Year 2020-2021, to ensure the welfare and safety of our students.

Online classes will be done in face-to-face and offline mode, considering the age and readiness of the student. This is made possible through our appropriate Learning Management Systems (LMS) for online content, student records, and communication. Pre-schoolers and elementary learners will use GENYO for their LMS and junior high schoolers will use QUIPPER. It will be further enriched by teacher-created and curated content. Through this, students may download and work on their activities offline.

Through QUIPPER and GENYO, students can:

  • • Have access to digital textbooks, anytime and anywhere,
  • • Access digital lessons assigned to them by their teachers which they can also review offline,
  • • Better monitor their progress in exams through automated assessment tools,
  • • Collaborate with their teachers and peers through Announcement Board, Forum, Blog, and Messages.
  • • Explore the world from their desks and experience fun learning through Gamification Mode.
  • • Have freedom to learn at their own pace!

As part of our advocacy for a Dominican holistic education and approach, the school will continue nurturing each student's psycho-emotional health through our Wellness program. This includes holding online retreats and webinars. SDCA will also continue to hold Activity Program (contests and competitions) through digital platforms. Activity days will be held on selected Fridays all done online.

To continue the strong home-school partnership, SDCA will provide orientation, training, and support to our parents and guardians especially on this new normal. The school will also initiate Parent Support Hotline to listen to concerns and feedbacks. Being PEAC certified, Dominican students who are ESC recipient may still be reduced with P9,000 on their fees.

This may be a challenging academic year ahead of us, but SDCA is ready to take the challenge. Teachers are properly trained in the use of technology for effective learning, using the Most Essential Learning Competencies. Activities are well thought out and goes beyond mere busywork, focusing on the 21st Century Skills of critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, and communication.

Our online and on-site enrolment is still open. For online enrolment, applicants may visit the SDCA Facebook page for more information or visit the school from Monday to Friday, 9am-4pm for on-site enrolment. Experience the SDCA Perfect Vision 2020: Education Beyond Borders!